Hold your horses: Google Algorithm just got updated, what to do?

Imagine this for a while. You spent all your energy, and somehow you managed to bring your website to Google’s first page. You finally sleep with peace. Next day you wake up and walaah, you are on page 25. How will that make you feel? Excited right? Haha, I know. Well here is your chance to prevent yourself from happening something like this. Google is working on a new algorithm update. Unofficial news is already leaked on Black Hat World forums, and users are already having a drop in their ranking.

Many of the users are calling it a Fred Update. The suggestion came from Google’s sunshine & happiness officer who jokingly suggested it in his tweet.

The thing about Google update is, it can either save your marketing budget or entirely destroy it. However, the only problem with it is Google usually announce the update pretty late. Moreover, that is why many of the small businesses face the consequences of the upgrade.

Signs of new update started showing on the morning of March 08th . As per some users on various forums, this is what happened:

  • I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my search results in the past 24 hours with my website! Anyone else experience the same thing?
  • A massive drop occurred in my page rank on my site on 7th of March at around 9pm and continued till March 8th
  • I have suffered 20-40% drop of traffic in Feb.
  • Experiencing massive changes in my search results. Why Google deindexed my site? March 9th
  • 90% of my keywords flew into oblivion. While only 5% remained relevant.
  • I am having a serious drop in my Google page rank around 9 hours ago. None of my websites used any Black Hat methods or some other stuff. Why is Google dancing my results?
  • It started at 18:00 from yesterday. My traffic from Google almost stopped. I was getting 80-110 users at the same time now I am getting 4-6 users. My website was getting 4400-6600 unique visitors who now dropped to 1000-1400 users. I guess someone is sleeping in Google.

How to improve your rank on Google search page?

  • Google is now rewarding high-quality content

Gone are the times when you used to hire people to stuff your website with keywords. The most successful digital marketing agencies are now are focused on creating authentic content. Google is now rewarding businesses who took the leap from keyword stuffing to engaging and meaningful content for its users.

It all started in the year 2016 when Google announced Panda Update for its algorithm. Dozens of companies got erased from Google rank pages. This is because Panda update focused on creating Quality content for its users. Any website with low-quality content was deindexed from Google.

So, in the light of above update, Google is now more focused on its users. Moreover, the only way to engage your user is with quality & compelling content.

  • Is your website optimized?

Google is now giving full marks to companies who did their SEO site structure the right way. Commonly known as, site map, Google is now showing concerns for the small businesses who are still live with complex site structure.

The second form of optimization is mobile optimization. In 2016 there was much buzz about creating mobile-friendly websites. Well, in 2017 Google is now more interested in mobile-only sites. Creative design agencies are now charging more for building mobile-optimized websites. These mobile optimized websites are pretty different from desktop websites. With less content and more focus on providing value to your customer, Google has changed the landscape of digital marketing.

  • Have accurate title, and descriptions and Google will reward you

I simply Google for the way it shows us what is right for our website and what isn’t. From time to time Google keeps us updated regarding different algorithm updates. Here in this blog, Google highlights some simple ways to make our website more Google-friendly. Make sure to use keywords specific to your product. Moreover, to support those keywords use descriptions that are both interesting and SEO-friendly. Do not overdose the keywords. Just use them in a natural manner.

To sum up it all

Optimizing just for the sake of pumping out low-quality content is not going to get anywhere. Google’s guidelines openly state that commitments to quality over quantity and value over filter will increase SERP visibility.

Googe content & SEO are the foundations of a solid SERP ranking. Follow the tips above to keep your website on top of your competitors.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.